Saturday 31 March 2018

Writers block

Recently I have been lacking ideas for my blog. Normally my blog ideas just come to me however all I can think of are OOTD posts. I don’t want to keep posting just fashion posts because I want my blog to be a good mixture of each category. I’ve been looking at my favourite blogger – Samantha Maria, but her posts are primarily fashion. This has got me thinking that maybe I should focus just on one category and because I enjoy the OOTD post so much, maybe I should just focus on fashion. I do want to keep talking about beauty products though because that is where my passion originally came from for this blog. Part of my also thinks that I should take a break from blogging but then I may fall behind schedule. I have got a work placement coming up soon so maybe that would the perfect opportunity for me to take a step back.

I read on the Anna Edit not too long ago that she took a month out from blogging and she said that

"I love what I do, so it wasn’t that I needed a break; more just a chance to press reset and return with some juice in the ol’ battery. " 

 I feel like I should do the same. The consequence will be that I stop blogging sooner than planned. I was planning on posting three times a week, consistently from the beginning of march (which I have been sticking to) right up until the deadline.

The reality now is that I may stop posting about two weeks before the hand in, however this may work out for the best as it will give me time to work on my evaluation and any other little bits I have to do.

Tuesday 27 March 2018

Rainy Beach Day

Today I planned to go to Bournemouth beach to shoot an OOTD post. The weather had been hit and miss however it did say that it wasn’t going to rain until the evening. I was scheduled to leave at 1 pm because my photographer was busy until then however we ended up leaving later than planned. When we got to Bournemouth, we actually ended up in the wrong place. At first I was thinking we should just stay where we were and work with what we have however my gut was telling me to go the place I originally planned. Once we got there and parked the car, it started to rain a little so we decided to go and get some lunch first and that way we would be sheltered. We decided to go into Zizzi’s because I had never been and then I found out that they offer up to 40% student discount! I used my initiative and decided to mention that in the blog post I had planned for the day. Once we had finished eating the rain had slowed down so we made our way towards the gardens. When I visited Bournemouth last time, I walked through the gardens and they were beautiful so I thought that they would be the perfect location for some pictures. We got a couple but then it started to rain again so I decided to head to the arcade. The vibe inside the arcade was so cool so we decided to get some pictures in there too. Although the lighting wasn’t the best, it gave the pictures more of a vintage feel, you could tell we were in an arcade. By this time the shops had closed so there wasn’t much more to do so we decided to head back home. Although the day didn’t go to plan, I still enjoyed it and am happy with the pictures and if anything, it gives others ideas as to what to do when it’s raining in Bournemouth. If I were to do this again I would try and go on a day with better weather and leave earlier. I would also come up with a backup plan so we would have more indoor places to go to.

Monday 19 March 2018

Tutorial Feedback

Today I had a group tutorial where I presented my work so far to Elizabeth, Anna and Emma. At first I was nervous to present my project so far after hearing and looking at everyone elses work, because mine was so different. Blogging is something I am passionate about and enjoy doing to I stick to my decision of doing this. I personally think that the future is digital so I think the way forward is to create something online.

Saturday 17 March 2018

Change in blogging days

Whilst researching for another project, I found that the best days to post online are Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. I have been posting on these days however because I work all day on a Saturday, I don’t really get the time to properly promote my new content. This is why I have decided to post on a Sunday instead. I still work all day on Sundays however because we close earlier, it gives me more time during the day to share my new post.

I have also found through this process so far that because I post three times a week, it only gives me two days to promote that piece of work before I have to move onto the next one. Sometimes I feel like it would be better to post twice a week instead and that way I would have more posts planned in time and I would be able to give them the time they need to be promoted. I may alternate some weeks by posting twice or three times to see if it makes much of a difference but that I don’t want to confuse followers who know the days I post on.

When it comes to promoting, I’ve found that twitter is the best app for me, some viewers do some from my Instagram but not as many compared to my twitter account. I have created a twitter account purely dedicated to the blog where I follow others bloggers and whenever I publish a new post, I use the relevant hashtags. As there is a blogging community, other bloggers tend to retweet my link so that my content gets viewed by a wider audience.

Tuesday 6 March 2018

Stats & Social Media

Looking through my stats on posts i've already posted shows that my audience like "Outfit of The Day" and Haul posts a lot more than my other posts so this is something I am going to take on board and do more of which is good because these are my favourite type of posts to create. This must show through my work and may be why I get a good response to them.

Looking further into my stats, I've found that I am starting to get views from different parts of the work which is amazing! I've noticed that I have started to get views from United Arab Emirates and I think this may be due to the Youtube video. This makes me feel happy as it shows me that my blog is working and I am reaching my target audience (women/men with a similar skintone to me) as well as others from Brazil, Canada and United States. The majority of my readers are from the UK and this could be because I talk about and mention products which are more accessible here so I may seem more relatable to them.


Today has been the most stressful day of my entire FMP process. The past week people have been having meltdowns and panicking however I have...